Many thanks to those that attended the AGM held on 8th June 2019, we had 34 Attendees and 21 Proxy votes. A full copy of the minutes are available to members on request from the Secretary.
Congratulations for the following Elected Officers for the 2019-20 Season, and note positions in bold will form the CMC (Club Management Committee).
Chairman- Toby Sanders
Secretary- Kirstie Hargreaves
Treasurer- Gareth Hargreaves
Men's Chair- Shek Palit
Ladies' Chair- Rachel Castola
Youth Chair- Scott Vinnicombe
Clubhouse Officer- Paul Fisher
Communications Officer- Kate Roy
Development Officer - Andy Stephens
Sponsorship Officer - Craig Shaw
General Committee Member – Seb Villard
General Committee Member– Seamus McGowan
1st XV Manager - Sam Waites & Bruno Bods
2nd XV Manager - Alex Dziedzan & Seamus McGowan
3rd XV Manager - Andy Stephens & Sergio De Luca
Venus Manager - Anna Ball
Fixture Secretary - Mike Beech
Social Secretary - Edna Schweizer, Ucheora Obi, Meg Over and Alex Liddell
Club Captain will be decided between the 3 Playing Chairs and announced in due course.
Contact information for all Committee members can be found here.
CMC Meetings
The CMC meets on the second Tuesday of every month.
In the interests of efficiency, is expected that CMC meetings will ordinarily only be attended by the positions listed above. However in the interests of openness and transparency, members may attend CMC meetings as an observer and can ask questions but not vote.
For more information, please email the Secretary.