Dear Senior Players,
Your Playing Chairs will have been in touch with you regarding off-season training but please contact them directly should you have any questions or comments on the below.
Ladies Chair -
Men’s Chair -
Guidelines for Optional Rugby Training
Please find below the guidelines that must be followed during training sessions. These guidelines will be regularly updated in line with RFU guidance and any updates with be communicated with you. Please ensure you read these guidelines carefully. By attending training, you agree to understanding and following these guidelines. Please feel free to get in touch to ask any questions or raise any issues.
Key principles
1. Do not attend training if you are displaying any symptoms of coronavirus or have been in contact with anyone displaying symptoms. Training will be cancelled if a member attends with symptoms.
2. You must sign up for training by Tuesday night. If numbers exceed 24 attendees, a first come first served system will be used. If your availability to training changes after Tuesday night, you must get in touch with the Playing Chair directly.
3. You should not use public transport to travel to training. Please use other forms of transport such as personal car, bike, or foot.
4. Non-compliance of the guidelines outlined in this document will result in you being asked to leave the session or the session being cancelled.
Arrival to training
1. Please bring hand sanitiser and use this before and after the session. We will have hand sanitiser available, however it is preferable that you bring your own to minimise possible contact to shared surfaces.
2. On arrival, you will be directed to a marked-out box alongside 5 other players. Do not congregate with other players at the start of training. Please stay 2m away from others at all times.
3. Any bags or items should be placed at a 2m distance from others to prevent getting close to others when collecting items/drinking water. The clubhouse will not be available to store items or bikes. Bike racks are available outside the DLR station to be locked.
4. A register will be taken each session to assist with contact tracing if needed.
During training
1. Keep 2m away from other players at all times for all activities. For some activities that require heavy exertion, you may be asked to keep a 3m distance.
2. Do not touch your face during the session.
3. Please bring a towel to wipe off sweat. This is to minimise potential spread.
4. Please bring your own water bottle and maintain a 2m distance during water breaks. Water bottles will not be provided by the club.
5. Sharing equipment (e.g. ball passing) will be minimised. Balls will not be shared between groups. Please bring your own ball if you have one.
6. After any drills that involve minimal equipment sharing (e.g. ball passing) you will be asked to hand sanitise and the equipment will be sprayed down. Please bring your hand sanitiser or use the hand sanitiser provided.
7. In the event of a need for first aid, St John’s ambulance measures will be adhered to. You can consult these by following this link. Please note access to the clubhouse for First Aid items will be limited (please bring your own tape or plasters if needed).
8. Access to the clubhouse should be avoided. In the event of needing access for the toilet, this will be possible upon request with the Playing Chair. Toilets will need to be cleaned after each use by the Playing Chair.
Leaving training
1. Make sure you continue to maintain a 2m distance when leaving the session.
2. Do not congregate. There will be no huddle at the end of the session.
3. Make sure to use hand sanitiser.
4. All equipment used (e.g. cones and balls) will be sprayed down with disinfectant at the end of the session and stored securely by the Playing Chair.