Harwich and Dovercourt - 22 Jan
Harwich and Dovercourt - 22 Jan
Leave Millwall 10.30 am
Return between 19:00 and 20:00.
Cost - £10 for spectators
Due to the distance to this fixture we have booked a coach for the transport of the team, due to the fact that the H&D team were just all round jolly good eggs when they came to us we decided to make a day of it so we’re opening up the remaining 18 seats to spectators at £10 each.
If you are interested please email me - communications@millwallrugby.com - by Friday 14th 15:00 by the latest so we have an idea of numbers.
Obviously we all know it’s rife again. It’s up to any individual to decide on whether they wish to partake in this day out knowing the risks and their own personal health and vaccine status.
If we are unable to field a team due to covid infections or any RFU / government announcements the trip will be postponed / cancelled.